1560 Logan Lane
McDonough, GA 30252
3 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
At Trust Properties, our inventory goes fast due to our easy purchase programs. If you don’t find what you are looking for here, chances are we’ll have a house in inventory soon that will meet your needs. If you wish to be notified as soon as a house becomes available that meets your criteria, be sure to join our Buyers List by completing our PRELIMINARY HOME OWNERSHIP APPLICATION. Why rent when you can buy? To see the advantages of Renting vs Owning, please look at our Rent Vs. Buy calculator. Some properties may be available on our “Work For Equity Program™” where you can earn credit towards your move-in fee or down payment for agreeing to do some or all of the repairs. This is not a requirement as we can do all of the repairs if you choose not to.
En Trust Properties, nuestro inventario se va rápido debido a nuestros programas de compra fáciles.
Porque rentar cuando usted puede comprar? Para ver las ventajas de rentar o compar, clic en el siguiente enlace Rentar Vs. Comprar.
258 Marshall Fuller Road Unit #2
Dallas, GA 30357
4 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
258 Marshall Fuller Road Unit #2
Dallas, GA 30357
4 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
"Trust Properties Application" Get Report Now
At first I was scared because I didn’t know if I was even going to get a house. Even though I made the money, my credit isn’t good and I had some issues going on with helping my kids - so that kind of put me back. Ms. Janessa helped me out, she talked with me, she gave me some confidence, and she told me what my process was as far as paying my down payment. I got that all together and I paid my down payment, paid my rent ahead of time and now I’m signing my lease to get in my home and I’m happy! I’ve been going to the classes and I’m starting credit restoration so I’m on my way! I didn’t think I’d ever get here! Thank you!
Ms Kirkland Decatur, GA
My experience has been very nice so far. Janessa, she was great. I whole-heartedly trusted her. If it were not for her, really, I wouldn’t even have got in this program. She is very encouraging, and that is my big dream as well. So, I think that’s a good team and good partnership. It is amazing, I got a good positive experience, and hopefully, at the end we are going to see full ownership. That’s what I’m trying to do now. My whole mind and heart goes towards this house. Every nickel every dime that I get I’m going to put into this house. I have to. It is mandatory. I don’t have any other choice, this is it, I’ve got to do it. I got to make it happen. I am doing it really for my family. I am always in the road. My kids deserve better, and with God’s help I’m going to do it.
T Hadgu Lilburn, GA
My husband and I never really thought about owning our own home before we answered your ad. We just had never given it that much thought, just seemed like something for the future. I knew that neither me husband or myself had the kind of credit you need to apply for a loan. But when we answered your ad and you explained to us your Rent-to-Own American Dream Program, we knew it was just perfect for us. We could keep renting and by doing so could save up on the downpayment on the house and get a reduction on the purchase price. Not only that but your company would then help us apply for a loan! I could'nt believe it. You are so generous. There are so many options and you are so flexible on terms that the idea of owning our very first home does not seem as such a far-fetched idea anymore. Thank you for your kindness and integrity.
Helen Miles Buford, GA
This has been a pretty easy process with great people. We love the idea of getting to own a home one day. The program helps us to reset and make that possible.
Mr and Mrs McElreath Jasper, GA
Catherine Atlanta, GA
The experience with Trust Properties has been great, fast, straight to the punch and beautiful!
Rebbie Ellenwood, GA
We are very excited about the Path to Home Ownership Program. It's a great opportunity! We've been looking forward to this. We found this program at a time when we thought there wasn't going to be an opportunity for this to be possible, for the beginning home ownership. We came into this year not really expecting to be in a house. Everyone has been great and very understanding and very on top of making us feel comfortable. It's been very reassuring through the whole process.
The Hutchinson Family Lithonia, GA
The experience so far with Trust Properties has been exceptional. It far exceeded anything I thought about. If someone had told me a month ago that we would be here, right now, on the Path to Home Ownership, I wouldn't have believed them. I would start laughing and say it was a joke. Guess what? I'm glad the joke is on me! We're here. We're happy. It just feels like a dream come true for the both of us. It's a great feeling! Oh what a feeling! I'm looking forward to planting my flowers and my garden. Thank you so much for this opportunity!
Tia and Holace Ellenwood, GA
The experience getting here has been great. I'm looking forward to home ownership. It's the most important goal for me and my son.
Ms Hinkle Decatur, GA
I have been with Trust Properties for approximately 1 1/2 years and having moved from California to Atlanta was a big step and move for me and my family. Trust Properties staff was very helpful and supportive in finding me a home and moving us in. Pleasant staff and great housing program! Thanks Again!
Ms Brooks College Park, GA
The house looked like a jungle when I started, but I got it looking like a home! I've always been on time with my payments and I appreciate getting to own my own home [at 81 years old] and getting to pay towards my own home, not anyone else's. I would recommend Trust Properties to anyone. I'll never forget the friendly people that have helped me along the way. Now I get to tell everyone I own my own home!
Mr Harris Decatur, GA
We are looking forward to owning our own house, to keep moving on and going forward. Thank you all for the things you are doing for us, we really appreciate it. You've been good to us. We appreciate the stability of being in the same home and providing a stable pace for our family.
Mr and Mrs Latimore Lithonia, GA
First I would like to that God for blessing me with this beautiful home. I also thank Trust Properties for this Great Home and for helping me through this process. I highly recommend Trust Properties, they are the best! God Bless you All!
Catherine A Price Stone Mountain, GA
The Path to Home Ownership Program is great. I hope to gain home ownership. We like working with the staff and they are great people to know. It's a great situation over all. We're feeling pretty good about today! It's awesome and we appreciate it!
Mr and Mrs Hall Stone Mountain, GA
The program is great, so far so good. And you should try it!
Wanda D Gladney Stone Mountain, GA
This is wonderful! In just under six years we went from homeless to home owners. What a wonderful program to be in, you should try it!
Jamelle Hassan and Tre Stone Mountain, GA
Catherine Atlanta, GA
Catherine Atlanta, GA
Catherine Atlanta, GA
My experience here at Trust Properties has been nothing but fabulous! I have a very patient group of people who worked with me, answering all my questions, and were nothing but helpful. I appreciate every ounce of it. Thank you!
Stacy Hansen Stone Mountain, GA
I have always wanted to have my own home. Because of credit issues, it killed my dream of being a home owner again. So finding this program has been a blessing adn life saver for me. I am so excited! My home that I am moving into, I am calling it "my home" becuase it is my plan to purchase. Working with the staff as Trust Properties has been a smooth and easy process. The PTHO Intro classes they offer and very well thought out and well explained. They do everything in their power to make sure that you eventually become a home owner. I am very very very excited and am looking forward to one day owning my home!
Ms Bell Stone Mountain, GA
I've been working with the PTHO program for while and it has helped me in so many aspects; building my credit, getting ready to own my home. It's a great program. I love it.
Ms Epps Covington, GA
Our experience has been great. We love working with everyone at Trust Properties and plan on owning a home pretty soon, so we're excited. So far we like all the great advice and the paperwork really has it under wraps. We are looking forward to moving in. Thank you!
Shetora and Avery Stone Mountain, GA
It has been a wonderful experience. We waited patiently, it was very quick and we are on our way to the top (Platinum)! It's been very hectic the last few months. A friend referred us to this company, and they've been great. We think that everyone should come and apply. We just want to say thank you Trust Properties, you're the greatest!
S Richardson and J Hunter Stockbridge, GA
Seems to be quite an opportunity to be involved in. It's been a long process to get here, and we're looking forward to making substancial improvements to our property. Taking the lemons and making lemonade!
Michael and Colin Stone Mountain, GA
My experience with the program has been great. Trying to find a house out here in this market - with all of the competition, the hastle, and everything - this program made it easy, simple, and put my mind at ease; I really appreciate it.
Quincy Wilson Lithonia, GA
It's exciting and I'm really enjoying this! I'm finally on the path to owning my own home. I am really excited cause I'm done renting!
Ms Payne Lithonia, GA
The Home Ownership Program, I think is a great program. This is my first house, I've never owned a house. So I'm excited. I love the people that work for this company. They work with you. I have no problems, I just look forward to it. It's going to be a great future. I'm just happy.
Yvounda Brown Decatur, GA
Our experience with Trust Properties has been a great experience. We're looking forward to the opportunity to own our own home. Being able to not only own our own home, but to fix our home in a way that we want it to be. And moving forward we look forward to home ownership!
Kenyatta and Paul Bates Conyers, GA
I've had a wonderful experience working with Trust Properties. I am looking to purchase my home I am renting by taking advantage of the Work for Equity credit by doing some minor repairs myself.
LaKinya Tuzo Lawrenceville, GA
We are very excited and looking forward to being home owners. We have been wanting to be a home owner for quite some time now, and this is starting the path to it, so hopefully we will reach the end! The Work for Credit will be a great benefit because of the field industry I work in. I know a lot of contractors so I can get them to work for me and get some credit to help us along our path. It's a great program and we are very proud of ourselves!
Mr and Ms Witcher Lithonia, GA
My experience has been absolutely wonderful. Coming in I knew that everyone here had my best interest at heart, so I am very trusting of this process. I appreciate everything that has been done. I'm excited to be a part of this. Thank you!
Jimmie Kirkham Stone Mountain, GA
We are looking forward to owning our own home. We didn't think it could happen, but it can happen! We're just looking forward to getting started! Thank you!
Ms Timms and Mr Simpson College Park, GA
Our experience so far has been great. The Path to Home Ownership Program is a great program. I think it helps people that can't go straight into homes right away with a mortgage. It really helps. I feel this is the best program I have found so far. Thank you so much!
Sylvia and Marteria Rex, GA
We are so excited! We think the home is a beautiful place in order for us to continue to grow and move towards home ownership. We have rented other homes before, but it's not "our" home. This opportunity for us as a family is so great!
A Rowe and K Henry and B Justice Stone Mountain, GA
4426 Hugh Howell Road
Tucker, GA 30084
Office: (770) 939-8283
Fax: (770) 939-3177
24 hour: (770) 939-9000
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